Classical Black Tea
斗杯古早味紅茶以炒得濃香的決明子與紅茶葉以黃金比例調配,添加紅玉紅茶 讓其香氣更加豐盈,茶香散溢決明子咖啡香尾韻,是最能代表 台灣古早人情味的茶飲。
The roasted cassia seeds and black tea leaves are blended in professional golden ratio.
Ruby black tea is added to makethe aroma richer.
The taste is mellow and intriguing.

Classical Black Tea
斗杯古早味紅茶以炒得濃香的決明子與紅茶葉以黃金比例調配,添加紅玉紅茶 讓其香氣更加豐盈,茶香散溢決明子咖啡香尾韻,是最能代表 台灣古早人情味的茶飲。
The roasted cassia seeds and black tea leaves are blended in professional golden ratio.
Ruby black tea is added to makethe aroma richer.
The taste is mellow and intriguing.