Cereal Tea
精選六種穀物(玄米、蕎麥、大麥、 黑豆、牛蒡、決明子),以黃金比例 組合,經獨家烘焙工藝,帶出各種 穀物原始濃醇香,零咖啡因, 清爽回甘的感受。
Selected six types of grains (brown rice, buckwheat, barley, black beans,burdock, and cassia seeds),combined in golden proportions, the taste is
refreshing and mild.The original rich and mellow aroma of various grains, zero caffeine,and a refreshing and sweet feeling.

Cereal Tea
精選六種穀物(玄米、蕎麥、大麥、 黑豆、牛蒡、決明子),以黃金比例 組合,經獨家烘焙工藝,帶出各種 穀物原始濃醇香,零咖啡因, 清爽回甘的感受。
Selected six types of grains (brown rice, buckwheat, barley, black beans,burdock, and cassia seeds),combined in golden proportions, the taste is
refreshing and mild.The original rich and mellow aroma of various grains, zero caffeine,and a refreshing and sweet feeling.